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The Benefits of Outdoor Activity

Physical activity is important for maintaining good health and well-being. It has been shown to improve cardiovascular health, decrease the risk of chronic diseases, and enhance mental health. While...

Arizona Outdoors: Best Ways to Get Active Outside

Staying active and getting exercise doesn’t have to feel like a chore. We’ve created a list of the best ways to get active outside in the beautiful state of Arizona!

Incorporating just 30 minutes of...

The Benefits of Exercise from Val Ziske, FNP

We all know that exercise is good for us. But, do you truly know the amazing benefits it provides to your body?

From physical gains to improved cognitive function, incorporating just 30 minutes of...

How To Naturally Lower High Cholesterol: 4 Tips

Take a moment and think about high cholesterol. What comes to mind? You may be picturing fatty, greasy foods and heart trouble. You’re right. Nearly 1/3 of American adults have high cholesterol....

Rethink That Drink….Benefits To a Dry Month

As we get into the new year, having taken another trip around the sun, it is helpful to reflect on the behaviors, habits and activities that can affect our health and wellness. 

Alcohol consumption...

Sylfirm X: The Most Innovative & Effective Microneedling Treatment

Lifescape now offers patients the most innovative and effective microneedling treatment: Sylfirm X. 

“We pride ourselves on providing the most effective solutions to our patients,” Noelle Cesario,...

The Types & Benefits of Specialized Testing with a Concierge Doctor

We often get asked about the testing we offer at LifeScape. Overall, we look at our patients’ entire health and together determine which tests should be done to help with a specific condition or...

Moderation is Key: Alcohol and the Sober Curious Generation

Alcohol – just the thought of sitting down and relaxing with a drink after a tough day can start the relaxation process. Drinking often leads to sitting down and putting a halt to what is keeping our...

Viral Illnesses: What Your Doctor Wants You To Know

When sickness hits, it can be difficult to distinguish between a viral and bacterial respiratory infection. Understanding symptoms can help you identify your best treatment options. 

Healthy Kitchen Recipes: Napa Valley Pear and Parsnip Soup with Crispy Parsnips and Sage

There is nothing better than curling up on the couch with a good book, and a warm, nourishing bowl of soup.

Our January recipe is a delicious Napa Valley ear and parsnip soup with crispy parsnips and...